Well, NaNoWriMo is done again for the year. For the last week and a half, I've been wandering around the house, dazed at how much time I have when I'm not glued to the monitor. The house is once again clean, the Christmas tree is up and decorated, and I've been working on purging the not-so-good food out of my system.
So now what?
Many of my Wrimo friends are still writing, and I say, "Kudos to them!" I, however, do not ever want to look at my novel again, just like last year. After so much anger at the word count, I do believe that I've transferred that anger to the entirety of the work. Oops. I've read a couple books, The Hunger Games and The Other Boleyn Girl. That seems to have satisfied my literary cravings for the time being.
Guess it'll be Christmas knitting right up to the end of the line. I can live with that!