Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New House

So last fall, I came back from vacation and some very dear friends of ours sent us a sheepish message informing us that they bought a house. Of course, I was pretty flabbergasted. We had only been gone about a week, and they went off and bought a house? But the more we talked to them about it, the more we came to realize, that especially in this economy....

we might be able to buy a house.


I was torn between feeling extraordinarily grown up and responsible and also wanting to have a winning lottery ticket show up in my mailbox, because houses are lots and lots of dollars.

So we did the sensible thing and had a little chat with the realtor who had found our friends the cutest damn house. And guess what? Now we're buying a house.


It's a short sale with two loans involved, and our lovely, wonderful, saintly patient realtors warned us that it might take a few months if not longer for everything to go through the proper channels. Luckily, it hasn't. We got the call two days ago that our offer was approved, and now the inspection is scheduled for Friday. This Friday. For my pretty new house. (Assuming they don't find that the foundation was built over a volcanic slime pit of mold or something. But we're hoping for the best.) So what does this mean for me? And for NaNo?

Remodeling. And decorating. And lots and lots of painting. And one of the best parts of all is that it has a deck off the upper level. It's a split level, so the deck isn't quite as high as a second story would be, which is just awesome. This is especially relevant with warm weather creeping in through the weeks. I was thinking the other day while editing how fantastic it would be to set up the deck with pillows and cushions and blankets and a weather-proof outlet so that I could plug in my laptop and lounge about outside while writing? I then proceeded to give myself a high-five and create a Pinterest board for all the lovely ideas that I will try valiantly to recreate on my budget.

In celebration of this, I am going to pry myself off the internet and go pack so very many things.

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